Executive Committee
The Executive committee (ExC) supports the Centre Director in the establishment of the Centre, and management of the day to day operations of the Centre, including through policy development and risk management. The ExC also oversees the review, and monitoring of progress and performance, of the CCeMMP. The ExC is a decision-making body that supports the Centre Director and the Centre to achieve its vision. The ExC is comprised of the Centre Director, Centre Deputy Director, Centre Manger, and the respective Node Leaders from Monash, University of Melbourne, University of Wollongong and WEHI. The ExC reports to the Centre Director and is assisted in its operation by the Centre Manger as outlined in the organisation chart.
Patrick Sexton – Chair
Partner engagement subcommittee report
Denise Wootten
Node Leader, Monash
Graduate research subcommittee report, Monash node operational report
Jackie How
Centre Manager
Graduate research subcommittee report, Outreach & public engagement subcommittee report, seminar subcommittee report
Minakshi Baruah
ECR representative, ICHDR
ICHDR report
Isabelle Rouiller
Deputy Director & Node Leader, UoM
UoM node operational report
Gökhan Tolun
Node Leader, UoW
UoW node operational report
Isabelle Lucet
Node Leader, WEHI
WEHI node operational report
Science and Industry Advisory Committee
The Science and Industry Advisory committee (SIAC) reviews and provides advice on the strategic direction and performance of the CCEMMP and supports to the Centre to achieve its purpose. The SIAC is comprised of experts that support the function of the Centre across all of its activities including engagement with and advancement of the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry, innovation in membrane protein cryo-EM, graduate education, and drug discovery and development. The SIAC reports to the Centre Director and Executive committee, who are supported by the Centre Manager and oversee the operations of the Centre through liaison with the four node leaders as outlined in the organisational chart.
Alastair Stewart – Chair
University of Melbourne
ARC ITTC Director, Biotech, Academia
Lisa Dube
MTP Connect
Industry and Government
Anne-Laure Puaux
Academic and Industry Engagement
Jackie How
Centre Manager
Michael Ryan
Monash University
Interim DVC Research
Cathy Drinkwater
Biocurate Ltd
Biotechnology Investment
Rado Danev
University of Tokyo
Academic Thought Leader, cryo-EM
Leigh Farrell
Industry Consultant, former Cetara
Drug Development
Maria Flocco
Industry expert
Governance Structure Overview